Club to Meet @ Stonehenge Beginning June 9
On Tuesday, June 9 at 7:30, Midlothian Rotary Club will hold its first meeting at Stonehenge Country Club after 25 years of meeting at the Midlothian Doubletree.
15th Annual Students of the Year Banquet Honors 126
On Thursday, April 23, the Midlothian Rotary Club partnered with the Chesterfield County School Board for our 15th consecutive year in honoring outstanding 2 students in each school for exhibiting respect, responsibility, honesty and accountability. These core values...

1st Annual Rotary Quiz Bowl Brings Area 5 Clubs Together
YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTENDTHE 1stROTARY QUIZ BOWL & HAPPY HOUR TO SUPPORT Polio Plus Featuring Rotarian Ernie Rogers of River City Auction as "Alex Trebec" and Special Guests including Governor Beer and Past District Governor Bynum as our "Judges" &...

Club Expands Membership Categories
The Midlothian Rotary Club today announced the creation of two new membership categories in conjunction with two pilot programs adopted by Rotary International. Corporate Membership will allow a corporation or a company to become a member of the Midlothian Rotary Club...

Honduras Cardiac Unit Update
The Midlothian Rotary Club today received an update from Midlothian Rotarian Robert Maddux who leads the Friends of Barnabas effort to provide cardiac care to children in Honduras. The initiative in Honduras is the focus of the Club's partnership with other local...

Celebrating Rotary Day on October 1
Celebrating Rotary Day on October 1, 2014 NEWS RELEASE September 30, 2014 CONTACT: Chris Winslow FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 804-423-1382 [email protected] Midlothian...

MHS Interact Reignited
The Midlothian Rotary Club is pleased to announce the re-establishment of the Interact Club at Midlothian High School. Interact is a club for young people ages 12-18 who want to join together to tackle the issues in their community that they care most about. Through...

Midlothian Rotary Delivers Sports Goods to Boys Home
NEWS RELEASE August 27, 2014 CONTACT: Chris Winslow FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 804-423-1382 [email protected] Midlothian Rotary Club Provides Sporting...

District 7600 Awards $2500 Grant to Midlothian Rotary Club
NEWS RELEASE August 19, 2014 CONTACT: Wayne C. Boggs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 804-363-2283 [email protected] Note: Rotary District 7600 is currently awarding Rotary Foundation...

Midlothian Rotarians Work to Increase Literacy
The Midlothian Rotary Club’s first-ever Summer Literacy Program at Crenshaw Elementary School in conjunction with the Washington Redskins’ Read effort launched on Tuesday, July 1, 2014. Rotarians have been busy reading with Crenshaw students throughout the program and...