Chris Winslow introduced, Dr. Joseph Casey, Chesterfield County’s new County Administrator, saying Dr. Casey stresses team building, customer service, trustworthiness, and he is focused and engaged and understands the challenges of Chesterfield County.
Dr. Casey said he appreciates the motto of Rotary, “Service Above Self”. He would cover three areas in his talk to include something about himself, highlights about the county status, and lastly where the county is going next.
Dr. Casey was number two in county administration in Hanover before becoming number two in Henrico. He said he enjoyed the feeling of being the “new guy” although he was quite familiar with the workings of Central Virginia. He referred to the people of Chesterfield County as the “customers” since they pay for the salaries and services. He reinforced his own personal approach to teamwork this summer by replicating a trip to Alaska with his family that he and his wife had enjoyed in the mid 90’s.
Dr. Casey reviewed the county’s recent purchase of the River City Sports Complex and its potential for long term benefits. He said the lodging tax in Chesterfield made it easier for this transaction to go through. He discussed the County Charter saying Chesterfield was one if a few counties that had this type of charter written in the 1980’s. This charter gives guidelines that protect the citizens against rogue citizen input and administrators. Dr. Casey talked about his “trust formula” and gave a Thomas Jefferson quote saying, “put it before the people to have them feel a part of the government to be educated and be informed.” He reinforced Chesterfield is a good place to live, work, and play and looks to encourage young adults to return to their Chesterfield roots. He pointed out Chesterfield has a “talented pool of citizens.” Demographically, he said 150K Chesterfield residents leave the county each day for work outside the county and 120K enter the county for employment leaving a 30K deficit. He said we should strive for everyone who wants a job in Chesterfield county to find a job in the county. Looking to the future, Dr. Casey said Chesterfield wants to maintain great schools, low taxes, and be attractive to business and the business traveler.